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♥ A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination. ♥

May 10, 2012

Contact Information and Requests

I have gotten a few emails and I understand that many of you are confused about the way Cheyenne and I group our story. I briefly explain how we do this in my explanation page, which can be found above. A follower has asked me to "map it out" for her and I think that may be a good idea. So I will get around to making a simplified chart of our plot years and what is going on during the time. I will probably be too lazy to map it out on paper but I can explain the plot in more depth through a post as well.

If anyone else has any questions, you know that you can email me. All of you are exposed to my email. If you don't quite know how to get to it, click my name at the footer of any post. It will say "Published by Kayla Mae" or something like that. My name will be in purple, i think. Click there and my photo will show up, along with a list of blogs I am an author of. Click on my picture and it will take you to my profile. There, you will see a section called "Contact Me" beneath the photo of Tom Keifer. Click on Email and send me your question. If you would rather message me on Facebook, that is "My Web Page".

I don't have a Twitter account so you cannot reach me there. Although, Mamie has asked me previously if she could create an account for my blog and manage the posts, running all things by me, of course. If i decide on taking that offer, I will make sure to mention it in a future post. But as of right now, I do not have any connection to Twitter. Sorry, girls. I see Twitter as the Devil.

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