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♥ A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination. ♥

Apr 19, 2012

I Guess...

(You know what? Fuck it. I am bored and i have had two large Cherry Dr. Peppers from Sonic. I will just write whatever comes out. I will warn you that i have no idea what i am writing, only that i have nothing better to do at the moment. If i don't look busy, my dad is gonna make me mow the lawn and we all know i'm too lazy for that. So, I mind as well post something, right?)

{Kayla, 1985}

As i lay in bed, my face downward into a lavender scented pillowcase, I thought about Tom. Tears were stinging my eyes in a familiar way. Was i feeling betrayed? Blind? Angry? Depressed? The truth is that i didn't quite know. I was mostly hurt.

One thing i never suspected of Tom was that he would use me for sex. Who would have thought he only invited me on a date with him tonight just for the chance of being invited over? I should have known when he asked if he could stay over for the night. If only i would have found out sooner, before i demanded to know the truth and Tom comfortably affirmed it.

He said that it was Eric's idea and that he was innocent due to brainwash. Or, some other insufficient excuse. Does that mean Tom is taking relationship advice from Eric?

Ugh. I cant think about this anymore. It makes my head hurt too much.